impact report: marketing impact day 2019

Personally, Impact Day renewed some hope in humanity because everyone in this room came together to help our community leaders and it was very inspiring.
— Pro Bono Volunteer


Survey Says


Nonprofit organizations


of participants - both nonprofits and pro bono volunteers - would recommend Impact Day


Pro bono volunteers


of nonprofits had actionable next steps after attending




of nonprofits plan to utilize additional pro bono opportunities in the coming year

of volunteers said this was an opportunity to apply their professional skills in a new context

We’d definitely be interested in a “Round 2!” of a similar event. Heck, we’d do a whole marketing weekend with the challenges we have! It was instrumental for us to try and grow our organization and get to some advanced steps in our marketing. We sincerely appreciated the opportunity.
— Nonprofit Participant
After spending significant time with [our volunteers] and having them understand and appreciate our complex messaging issues, it actually bolstered our own motivation and confidence in our work. It was validating that this nonprofit work is not always easy or for the faint of heart!
— Nonprofit Participant




  • A marketing strategy that fits within bandwidth & budget

  • Strategy to support goal of acquiring and retaining volunteers along with a year-long communications calendar

  • Clarification of purpose and a new set of core organizational messaging

  • A new tagline, a content calendar, and updated website design for improved accessibility, structure, and mobile responsiveness

  • A structured plan to receive continued pro bono support from the volunteer’s company

  • A concrete map and timeline, prioritized based on staff capacity

  • A new style guide and refreshed messaging for the website and social media platforms

  • And more!

It was very energizing to have a group of professionals really take the time to talk out our challenges. I was pleasantly surprised by how well we all worked together, it was very collaborative.
— Nonprofit Participant

Thank You Funders & Sponsors

Our cornerstone funder, Bush Foundation, provided the means to refine and expand our Impact Day offerings. Each of our corporate sponsors provided funding to support, promoted the opportunity to their employees to volunteer, and several tabled the Mini-Product Fair and offered nonprofit participants discounts on their products and services! And our In-Kind sponsors, WeWork, Agra Culture & SotaRol gave us a space to work and sustenance to keep us energized!

[My company] was happy to help sponsor this event. We feel good that we were able to help others give back and help some very worthy nonprofits get some much needed resources. In addition, at least one organization is continuing their conversation with us to help them with their marketing opportunities further!

Personally, it was also very rewarding to volunteer :)
— Sponsor, Volunteer & Mini-Product Fair Attendee